Darley Music
New Single
Winter's Song
Frost is on the window;
Ice is on the vine;
Breath’s embraced by cold cloud:
Winter time.
Journeying between hearths,
Glistening snow the guide,
Under clear shivering stars:
Winter night.
Winter’s on its own journey,
Spring clasped in its heart, burning:
Season of still dreams, yearning
Turning, warming, trickling, thawing,
Flowing Winter stream.
Over the white meadow
Some bird’s distant cry
On the cold air echoes:
Winter sky.
Holly in the hedgerows,
Carols at midnight,
Full of pagan echoes:
Winter’s voice.
Seasons have their own voices;
Winter echoes three choices,
Hints at imminent noises:
Ice is broken; bells betoken
Woken Winter’s song.
Released 1/11/2022
Music by Patrick Freer
Lyrics by Patrick Kennedy
Vocals Ann & Nina Freer
Keyboards: Patrick Freer